Bio identical Hormone therapy Goldsboro, NC - Renewal Hormone Clinic

The Importance of Balanced Hormones

Hormone balance is critical for overall health and wellbeing. When levels of key hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid and more become deficient, you may experience unpleasant symptoms impacting quality of life. Getting tested and pursuing bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help restore optimal balance so you feel like yourself again!

At Renewal Hormone Clinic in Goldsboro, our experienced medical staff specialize in BHRT using a customized approach to meet each patient's unique needs. We understand the profound effect hormones have on the body and mind. Our goal is to help you regain energy, strength, mental clarity and an enhanced sense of wellbeing through expert testing, treatment and ongoing care.

Common Signs Your Hormones Are Out of Balance

Feeling off and wondering if your hormones could be to blame? Here are some key signs of hormone imbalance to be aware of:

Our services

Fatigue and Low Energy

Exhaustion, weakness and decreased stamina are common with low thyroid, testosterone or growth hormones. Thyroid regulates metabolism and deficiency causes fatigue. Testosterone powers energy, strength and endurance - if low, activity becomes a struggle. Growth hormone maintains muscle mass and bone density - without enough, you may tire easily.

Trouble Losing Weight

Despite diet and exercise, unexplained weight gain and inability to lose pounds can indicate a hormonal culprit like low thyroid, testosterone or estrogen imbalance. These hormones help metabolize fat - when deficient, these functions slow down making weight loss extremely difficult.

Decreased Libido

A noticeably lower sex drive can stem from declining testosterone or estrogen. Testosterone fuels arousal and estrogen maintains vaginal health - together they influence sexual desire and satisfaction. If your libido takes a nosedive, hormones may be at play.

Hot Flashes & Night Sweats

Unstable body temperature with severe hot flashes and/or drenching night sweats point to shifting estrogen levels during perimenopause or menopause. As estrogen declines, the body’s temperature regulating mechanisms are thrown off balance.

Sleep Disruptions

Fluctuating or falling hormones like cortisol, melatonin and estrogen can sabotage sleep quality leading to difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep or early morning waking. Hormonal imbalance is a major contributor to insomnia and sleep deprivation.

Increased Stress & Anxiety

If you feel emotionally off with heightened sensitivity to stress, more frequent worrying or anxiety interfering with daily life, imbalanced cortisol, thyroid and estrogen could be the culprits. These hormones heavily influence mental health when low or shifting.

Brain Fog & Memory Lapses

Estrogen, thyroid and other hormones nourish the brain cells responsible for memory formation and cognitive function. When these hormones decline or become imbalanced, you may suddenly struggle to recall names, words or everyday details, signalling hormonal brain fog.

Other Common Symptoms:

If any of the above symptoms sound familiar, hormonal causes may be at the root - and restoring balance can provide immense relief!

Take action and restore hormone balance today!

An Overview of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Wondering if BHRT is right for you? Here’s a helpful primer on what bioidentical hormones are and how treatment works:

What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are man-made formulations engineered in a lab to have the identical chemical structure as the hormones naturally made and recognized by your body.

This is crucially important, because bioidentical hormones can bind to your body's hormone receptors and mimic natural functions just like your innate hormones would, bringing deficient levels back up into ideal balance smoothly and safely.

They are sourced from plant compounds and custom-compounded based on each patient's needs, circumventing challenges traditional generic hormone replacement drugs face.

Why BHRT is Different Than Conventional HRT

Conventional hormone replacement therapy utilizes synthetic or non-bioidentical formulas like Cenestin, Premarin or Provera to treat common menopause symptoms. However these versions often fail to fully restore natural rhythms or provide complete balance.

BHRT outpaces conventional replacement with the following advantages:

In essence, bioidentical hormone therapy is designed to truly mimic what your body produces naturally in a safe, effective way traditional hormone therapy cannot replicate.

Elements of Customized BHRT Treatment

Renewal Hormone Clinic specializes in fully personalized programs based on your unique needs including:

We partner with you to restore resilience and energy you may have thought were gone for good. Our goal is to help you feel your best physically and mentally!

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Overview

Testosterone powers much of male health - from muscle mass and strength to sex drive, energy and beyond. But levels decline with age, stress and other factors. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can turn back time!

Why Testosterone Declines

Testosterone peaks around age 30 then slowly declines approximately 1% per year. Unfortunately lifestyle habits like poor diet, excess alcohol, chronic stress and weight gain can accelerate deficiency. Low vitamin D3, thyroid dysfunction and medications also deplete testosterone.

Key Signs Of Low Testosterone:

If low T symptoms arise, lab testing can determine if treatment is warranted.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

The benefits of TRT extend far beyond the bedroom. Research shows testosterone therapy effectively:

TRT is life-changing for men who need it - our programs help recapture your vigor safely, quickly and completely!

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. Their chemical structures are identical to natural hormones, but the body processes both types similarly. More research is still needed on their long-term risks and benefits.

Renewal Hormone Clinical Expertise

When it comes to complex hormonal care, expertise and oversight matter tremendously. Here’s how our center stands out as a top choice for Goldsboro and beyond:

Seasoned Hormone Specialization

We exclusively focus on hormone-related conditions like hypothyroidism, menopause, andropause and hormone deficiencies to best support patients with imbalances. Our entire clinical team has extensive training in precision testing, bioidentical therapies, nutrition and complementary protocols to optimize restoration.

Cutting-Edge Therapies

We continually monitor advances in hormone research and treatment options to provide patients with the latest medical innovations like sustain-released pellet implants for steady hormone delivery and absorptive testosterone gels minimizing transference. Our toolbox is second-to-none!

Renowned Medical Leadership

Our highly-acclaimed medical director is Dr. Laura Brown, a board-certified OB-GYN and national speaker/trainer on bioidentical hormones, menopause and integrative therapies who leads our clinical team. Patients benefit from her 20 years expertise and active participation in care.

Proven Patient Results

Renewal Hormone Clinic has successfully treated over 5000 patients to date. Our customizable programs, top providers and attentive care yield over 95% patient satisfaction rates along with restored energy, resilient health and enhanced quality of life!

We have the proven skill and experience needed to resolve your hormonal issues and help you feel balanced again.

Restore hormone balance and feel like yourself again!

Ideal Conditions for Treatment in Goldsboro

Nestled within North Carolina featuring mild year-round temperatures, natural beauty and southern hospitality, Goldsboro is an ideal location for recharging your health.

The favorable climate lacks extreme weather fluctuations, making hormone therapy effective any time of year without disruption. Close proximity to Raleigh provides easy access to big city amenities and resources if desired.

Goldsboro offers a vibrant small town community and charm with family-friendly parks, shops and neighborhoods perfect for the relaxation, connection and self-care so important when balancing hormones for optimal results. Local fitness centers, walking trails and entertainment provide ample options to reduce stress and embrace healthy lifestyle changes.

For testing needs, Wayne UNC Health Care's main hospital and multiple primary care clinics offer extensive labs and imaging services. Specialty labs like Quest Diagnostics are also easily accessible.

Between our specialized expertise and Goldsboro’s stable climate plus community feel and resources, patients have tremendous advantages when seeking hormone balance locally. We encourage taking advantage of all our area has to offer during treatment!

Now is the time to take control of your health and contact Renewal Hormone Clinic for a consultation.

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